; Make your own translation of the labels below, with a copy of this file called ml_yourlanguage.txt..
; Just edit the text!
; The markers %s or %d mean that text will be added to the line. Or just a line break.
Language = &English
Warning = 0
Confirm = 1
Error = 2
Information = 3
&Yes = 0
&No = 1
OK = 2
Cancel = 3
&Abort = 4
&Retry = 5
&Ignore = 6
&All = 7
N&o to All = 8
Yes to &All = 9
&Help = 10
Both fields are required! = 0
Exit the shooting game? = 1
Files with extension %s are not associated with Teach2000.%sAssociate (recommended)? = 2
An error occurred while converting file to Teach2000 format. Probably caused by an invalid structure of the input '%s' file: %s%s = 3
An error occurred during the conversion from Teach2000 to %s: %s%s = 4
For a writing exercise the question to enter will be displayed first. = 5
You were thinking of this word (don't lie!)? = 6
Welcome to %s = 7
Flashcard program %s.%s [/NH] [/NS] [/NA] [name]%sname%sGive name of wordlist to open.%s/NH%sNo hints, don't show application hints.%s/NS%sNo splash, start the program without splash screen.%s/Business%sNo images and sounds. = 8
The list has not been saved. Save now? = 9
There are no words in the edit list! = 10
Overwrite words in list? = 11
The list has been opened. = 12
The action has been cancelled. = 13
Sorry. Unable to transfer words.%sThe edit window contains no words, or try a different separation-mark. = 14
No words to move to edit! = 15
File %s not found = 16
Continue editing the wordlist. = 17
Test the input. = 18
%s Score: %s.. = 19
Score: %s, %s: %s sec. = 20
time = 21
Sorry..%sYou can only test the words after you put them in the wordlist. The list must contain at least one item. = 22
Give question. = 23
Give answer. = 24
Teach2000 will show you a word, try to translate it in memory. = 25
Hit the start button when you are ready.. = 26
All answers were correct! The program will start again. Score: %s. = 27
Only one word in the wordlist, impossible to randomly choose one?! = 28
GOOD!! = 29
Wrong!! = 30
Capitals!! = 31
The number of letters fits.. = 32
The given answer is a part of the correct answer. = 33
The correct answer is a part of the given answer. = 34
%s ..words sound alike (more or less).. = 35
doesn't mean = 36
input was supposed to be = 37
Insert a word = 38
Second answer = 39
Enter the extra translation: = 40
Found double entries in column '%s':%s%s = 41
No double words found. = 42
The time has been set to zero. = 43
The answer is: = 44
The misguessed words will be transferred to Edit. = 45
The incorrect words have been transferred to the editbox. = 46
There are no errors to transfer! = 47
The list has been cleared. = 48
Open a wordlist. = 49
The list %s has been saved. = 50
%s wordlist, date: %s. = 51
The list has been printed. = 52
Multiple-choice is no option with less than four words. = 53
Check for update. = 54
Select a new wave file. = 55
Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.* = 56
Teach2000 files (*.t2k)|*.t2k|Teach 1 (*.tch)|*.tch|Overhoor (*.ohw, *.oh, *.oh4)|*.ohw;*.oh;*.oh4|Overhoor Jezelf 95 (*.prc)|*.prc|Practise with Charlie (*.pwc)|*.pwc|Vocabularium (*.voc)|*.voc|Idioom (*.idi)|*.idi|Himalsoft Dictionary (*.hdi)|*.hdi|Overhoor Lauwers College (*.if1)|*.if1|Woordenboek Programma (*.wb)|*.wb|Vocatout (*.sl)|*.sl|Overhoor Platinum (*.ohp)|*.ohp|KVocTrain (*.kvtml)|*.kvtml|All files (*.*)|*.* = 57
Pleaz wait a moment! = 58
The list has been moved to Edit. = 59
The words have been added to the list. = 60
Convert list %s to Teach2000 format? = 61
Delete this question? = 62
Save this modified question? = 63
Teach2000 files (*.t2k)|*.t2k|Teach2000 files with extra options (*.t2k)|*.t2k|Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls)|*.xls|Comma Separated Value (*.csv)|*.csv|All files|*.* = 64
This is the end of the test. Press 'OK' to start a new test. = 65
Repeat the wrong answers? = 66
See chart for the last results. = 67
Do you want to start a new writing test? = 68
This type of test is impossible, because there are too few items in the list.%sEnter more questions or choose another type of test. = 69
The test has started. = 70
Answer is wrong.. But !!*Bonus converted to 1 extra correct answer*!! = 71
New function keys definitions have been saved. = 72
Multiple-choice answer can't be edited here! = 73
Item has been changed. = 74
The list has been converted to Teach2000. = 75
The list has been copied into memory. = 76
A paste action has taken place. There are %d items added to the list. = 77
There are ;-characters in the answers. Does this mean two separate answers? = 78
Item not found. = 79
Quit flashcard quiz? = 80
Reset the error count? = 81
Errors have been set to zero. = 82
The sound file %s doesn't exist. = 83
The list must be saved first. After the file location has been ascertained, questions can be recorded. = 84
The location of the list has been altered. Modify the path to the multimedia files? = 85
Note: %d redundant entries have been found. Remove them from the list?%s%s%s = 86
Select the location where then new sound file will be saved: = 87
The list has been converted to BASIC-code and copied to memory. Paste it in TI-Graphlink.. = 88
The file you are trying to open, has been made with a more recent version of Teach2000.%sIt is possible that information will be lost if saved again.%sTo prevent this, download the new version to from http://www.teach2000.nl/international. Continue and accept possible lost data is at your own risk. = 92
All Pictures|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif;*.png;*.gif|JPEG - JFIF compliant (*.jpg, *.jif, *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jif;*.jpeg;*.jfif|Portable network graphics (*.png)|*.png|Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)|*.gif|Windows bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.* = 93
From the questions with two possible answers, the two answers will be merged together to one question. Continue? = 94
There are multiple-choice questions in the list. They will be converted to normal questions while swapping answer and question. Continue? = 95
%d of %d correct (%1.0n%%), total %d questions = 54
Sound file = 55
Duration: = 56
Remarks: = 57
Question %d: = 58
&Answer (Hit [Enter] when ready): = 59
End of test = 60
Ehhh = 61
Write test question %d = 62
or: = 63
Write the following text: = 64
You wrote = 65
Correct was = 66
Comment = 67
Score = 68
Time = 69
Remove double questions = 70
&File = 71
&Edit = 72
&Settings = 73
&Help = 74
New list = 75
Open... = 76
Save = 77
Save as... = 78
Normal = 79
Exit = 80
Cut = 81
Copy = 82
Paste = 83
Select all = 84
Find = 85
Your &language: = 86
Sound = 87
Choose sound = 88
Function keys = 89
Show hint = 90
Homepage Teach2000 = 91
Help = 92
Dutch = 93
English = 94
About = 95
Sound good answer = 96
Sound wrong answer = 97
Sort A-Z = 98
Remarks = 99
Wrong answer = 100
Swap &all questions and answers = 101
Import list from clipboard = 102
Export to clipboard = 103
&View = 104
Ancient Greek keyboard = 105
&Hide = 106
&Symbol... = 107
&Reset error count = 108
&Swap question and answer = 109
Recently opened = 110
Directory: %s = 111
File name: = 112
Record a question = 113
Mat&ch: = 114
&Print = 115
Play = 116
Stop = 117
Record = 118
Select new directory = 119
(new) = 120
Export list to TI-&83/TI-84 calculator = 121
Insert file... = 122
&Qwerty = 123
&Crib note = 124
Print = 125
&Test... = 126
Print a test = 127
Teache&r:* = 128
&Title of the test:* = 129
Code: = 130
Schoo&l:* = 131
&Date: = 132
Topic = 133
&Shuffle = 134
Remarks &above test: = 135
Teacher = 136
Name = 137
Student id = 138
Class = 139
Answers = 140
Question = 141
Points = 142
Answer = 143
Remarks &below test: = 144
Topi&c:* = 145
Question = 146
Answer = 147
Shuffle multiple-choice answers = 148
Blank lines between questions = 149
Points = 150
&Logo: = 151
Open the logo of your school.. = 152
&Close = 153
&Yes = 154
&No = 155
No multiple-choice question = 156
Se&lection: = 157
Make your selection = 158
&From.. = 159
&To.. = 160
Record settings = 161
Open picture file = 162
Open sound file = 163
Selected file: = 164
Picture (click to close) = 165
Picture = 166
Preview picture = 167
Play the sound = 168
; Sorry, these hints must be declared here
Clear picture|No picture for this question = 169
Clear spoken word|No spoken word for this question = 170
Record a question|Record a question yourself = 171
Preview|Give a preview of this picture = 172
Play|Play this spoken word = 173
Add, edit or remove picture = 174
Add, edit or remove spoken word = 175
Use relative path = 176
Synonyms for the question = 177
Synonyms for the answers = 178
&Use one line for each extra question: = 179
&Use one line for each alternative answer: = 180
Minor mistake.. = 181
Change number of blank lines for all questions = 182
Change points for all questions = 183
&Number of blank lines: = 184
&Score of each question: = 185
Translation Aid... = 186
&Source language: = 187
&Target language: = 188
Find translations right memo|Find the translations of the words on the right = 189
Find translations left memo|Find the translations of the words on the left = 190
&Add to list = 191
&Enter answer: = 192
Edit alternative &questions = 193
Edit alternative &answers = 194
&Stop! = 195
&Exit = 196
New game = 197
&Play = 198
Level: %d = 199
Score: %d = 200
Lives: %d = 201
High score: %d = 202
Skip current question.. = 203
Delete = 204
First try = 205
Second try = 206
Third try = 207
Last try = 208
Too bad = 209
Log book = 210
Save log book = 211
Total = 212
Teach2000 Tip of the Day = 213
Did you know... = 214
&Next tip = 215
&Tip of the day... = 216
Close log page = 217
Correct answer: = 218
Your answer: = 219
Select &all = 220
Select &none = 221
&Invert selection = 222
Spell checker: %s = 223
&Not in dictionary: = 224
&Suggestions: = 225
&Language from dictionary: = 226
&Ignore = 227
&Add to dictionary = 228
&Modify = 229
Spelling checker... = 230
Select languages of the list = 231
Language of the &questions: = 232
Language of the &answers: = 233
&Flash cards = 234
Last score: = 235
&Remark = 236
Test = 237
Score = 238
Extra remark = 239
Score = 240
Date = 241
Test results = 242
Test &results... = 243
Ancient Greek &keyboard... = 244
&Picture... = 245
Preferences = 246
Main = 247
Edit = 248
Test = 249
Advanced = 250
&Preferences... = 251
Check &now = 252
&Periodically check for update = 253
&Back-up overwritten lists to Recycle Bin = 254
&Remember last folder used = 255
&Number of recently opened files: = 256
&Default settings = 257
D&uration to display right answer: = 258
Custom sound played after &right answer = 259
Custom sound played after &wrong answer = 260
File &associations: = 261
Click on the correct answer with your mouse. = 262
oh4 - Overhoor 4 = 263
ohw - Overhoor voor Windows = 264
&Label: = 265
Number of questions in 'Top 10 &problem questions': = 266
&Selection = 267
&Remove selected questions = 268
&Norm: = 269
Display &question number = 270
Generate webpage = 271
&Generate = 272
&Title of the webpage: = 273
Insert file: &Show source file in Remarks = 274
Phonetic symbols... = 275
&English = 276
&Dutch = 277
&International = 278
%d of %d correct (%1.0n%%), total %d question = 279
URL = 280
http://www.domain.com/%s.t2k = 281
&Chapter: = 282
&Language: = 283
&Extra info: = 284
&Preview = 285
&HTML code = 286
&Practise page = 287
&Link page = 288
&Match page = 289
St&yle: = 290
Speech = 291
Language: %s = 292
Chapter: %s = 293
Extra information: %s = 294
Encrypted list = 295
Wrts... = 296
Include PHP UTF8 header = 297
More.. = 298
Correct = 299
Wrong once = 300
Wrong twice = 301
Wrong more than twice = 302
Progress = 303
Result of the last test = 304
%d of %d correct (%1.0n%%) = 305
Symbols = 306
Undo = 307
Delete = 308
; *** New items version 8.16
Move question &forward if answer is empty = 309
Multiple choice = 310
Check the combination of the good answers and press Enter = 311
A&zerty = 312
; *** New items version 8.18
Exact match = 313
; *** New items version 8.19
Edit symbols = 314
&List = 315
Options for Save = 316
&Embed sound and image files (used to publish the file on the web) = 317
If openend, go directly to &Test mode = 318
En&crypt the file (not possible to edit an encrypted file later!) = 319
Password: = 320
Word to guess:%s%d characters, the word starts with a '%s' and ends with a '%s'... = 0
We have here..%s%d characters, the word starts with '%s'. = 1
Are you hanging already? Hangman starts to build..%sThe word you have 2 guess contains %d characters, from which the last two are: '%s'. = 2
Now only a small impression of the guess.. '%s'. = 3
Last hint: '%s'. You know it by now.. = 4
really bad = 0
bad = 1
very insufficient = 2
insufficient = 3
questionable = 4
satisfactory = 5
very satisfactory = 6
good = 7
very good = 8
excellent = 9
Simple input mode = 0
Advanced input mode = 1
Normal = 0
Multiple choice = 1
Multiple choice, multiple answers = 2
Yes/No = 3
Complete = 0
Previously made mistakes = 1
Make a selection = 2
Top 10 problem questions = 3
Random selection of 10 questions = 4
Only newly added questions = 5
Leave questions you already memorized = 6
Native-foreign = 0
Foreign-native = 1
Both ways = 2
Native-foreign without remarks = 3
Regular order = 0
Random order = 1
Backwards = 2
Normal = 0
Puzzle = 1
Multiple-choice - 2 items = 2
Multiple-choice - 3 items = 3
Multiple-choice - 4 items (random) = 4
Multiple-choice - 4 items = 5
Multiple-choice - 5 items (random) = 6
Multiple-choice - 5 items = 7
Flashcard Quiz = 8
Writing Test = 9
Space invaders - The game = 10
Method 'The English Teacher' = 11
Interval training (Paul Pimsleur) = 0
Repeat errors = 1
Repeat = 2
No repetition = 3
; *** New items version 8.18
Ignore case = 0
Ignore punctuation marks = 1
Ignore word order = 2
Ignore numbers = 3
Ignore accents (ßΩ) = 4
Ignore spaces = 5
Design the list here|Enter the question followed by one or more answer(s). = 0
Separation mark between question and answer(s)|Give the character that separates the foreign from the native word. = 1
Send above test to de definitive list|Transfer input to the list, ready for testing. = 2
Select input method|Choose between classic interface and the modern one. = 3
Font question|Choose the font for the questions. = 4
Font answer|Choose the font for the answer(s). = 5
Font size|Select your font size for the questions and answers. = 6
Foreign word/line (question)|Enter the question here, if needed use more than one line, example: [televisie]. = 7
Meaning (answer)|Enter the answer here, for example: [television]. = 8
Second meaning|Enter, if needed, the second meaning, for example [telly]. = 9
Extra info|Text entered here is visible during the test, to give u a clue... = 10
Start|Go to the first question. = 11
Previous|Go back one question. = 12
Next|Go to the next question = 13
End|Go to the end of the list to enter more questions. = 14
Save this question|Use this button to save the question in the list. = 15
Delete|Delete current question from the list. = 16
Choose the type of the question|Possible are: normal, multiple-choice and yes/no question. = 17
Choose the right answer|Select the multiple-choice item that is the right one. = 18
Multiple-choice answers|Enter the possible answers here. = 19
Select how the questions will be asked|Example: Dutch-English or English-Dutch, or both ways. = 20
Select the order of the questions|Random is more difficult than sequential! = 21
Select the type of test|Choose for starters a multiple-choice type = 22
Choose from different repeat types|Do the errors have to be repeated after the test? = 23
The question|Please provide an answer to this question. = 24
The answer|Enter the answer - resize the memo if it is too small. = 25
The possible answers|Click the right one with your mouse. = 26
Browse|Surf through your items with this trackbar. = 27
New list|Create a new list. = 28
Open|Open a list. = 29
Save|Save the list. = 30
Save as|Save the list with another name. = 31
Export the list to clipboard|Export list to memory. = 32
Reset error count|Set all errors to zero. = 33
Print|Print the list. = 34
Exit|Exit Teach2000. = 35
Cut|Cut the selected text to clipboard. = 36
Copy|Copy the selected text to clipboard. = 37
Paste|Paste the text from clipboard to Teach2000. = 38
Select all|Select all text. = 39
Find|Find item in the wordlist. = 40
Symbol|Add a symbol from the menu to your edit window. = 41
Sort A-Z|Sort wordlist on/off. = 42
Ancient Greek keyboard|Show/hide the ancient Greek keyboard. = 43
Dutch|Set the language of Teach2000 to Dutch. = 44
English|Set the language of Teach2000 to English. = 45
Sound|Set sound on/off. = 46
Function keys|Give the function keys a function. = 47
Help|View helpfile with Teach2000 manual. = 48
Show hint|Get a hint while practising. = 49
Homepage Teach2000|Go to the website of Teach2000. = 50
About|View the about box with credits. = 51
Sound good|Choose the sound played when answer is correct. = 52
Sound wrong|Choose the sound played when answer is wrong. = 53
Picture|Add or change picture. = 54
Sound|Record a question or open a wave file. = 55
Select the answer match|For example choose to ignore CASE. = 56
T2K 2 TI-83/TI-84|Sent the list to memory for the TI-83 ot TI-84 schoolcalculator. = 57
Swap all records|Move the questions to the answers and vice versa. = 58
Swap current record|Move selected question to its answer and vice versa. = 59
Find double entries|Find redundant records. = 60
Insert list|Insert a wordlist from file. = 61
French|Set the language of Teach2000 to French. = 62
Crib note|Print a crib note. = 63
Test|Print a test in different versions. = 64
Selecteer which questions to test|For example, select the mistakes you made before. = 65
The picture|View/hide the picture that belongs to this question. = 66
The last answer was not wrong!|Append this answer to the list of allowed answers. = 67
Alternative questions|Questions that will be considered correct when testing. = 68
Alternative answers|More answers that will be considered correct when testing. = 69
Translation Aid|Translate words to a different language. = 70
Skip question|Answer next question first. = 71
Save log book|Write the log book to disk. = 72
Close log page|Close the current log page. = 73
Bold|Make the text bold. = 74
Italic|Make the text italic. = 75
Underline|Underline the text. = 76
Color|Add color to the text. = 77
Spelling check|Check wordlist for typing mistakes. = 78
Flash cards|Create flash cards to practise offline. = 79
View test results|View the results of the last 15 tests. = 80
Preferences|Edit your preferences. = 81
Label|Label this question. = 82
Undo selection|Remove the selection. = 83
Invert selection|Invert the selection. = 84
Remove selected questions|Remove selected questions from the list. = 85
Create webpage from this list|Generate webpage to practise online. = 86
Ask|Define how the question will be asked. = 87
Phonetic symbols|Show/hide the phonetic symbol map. = 88
Tip of the day|Give me the tip of the day. = 89
Speech|Let the computer do the (English) talking. = 90
Wrts connection|Open the Wrts connection and edit the lists. = 91
Formula|Use super- and/or subscript for writing chemical formulas. = 92
Undo|Undo the last action. = 93
Delete|Delete selection. = 94
; *** New items version 8.16
Check the right answers|Check the right answers with the mouse. = 95
Check the combination of the correct answers and press Enter|Check the combination of the correct answers and press Enter. = 96
; *** New items version 8.18
Display log book|Show/hide the log of the test = 97
Dutch = 0
English = 1
French = 2
German = 3
Spanish = 4
Portuguese = 5
Italian = 6
Swedish = 7
Afrikaans = 8
Swahili = 9
Latin = 10
Frisian = 11
Empty = 0
Masculine = 1
Feminine = 2
Neuter = 3
Pay Attention! = 4
Noun = 5
Adjective = 6
Verb = 7
Expression = 8
Default = 0
Native-foreign = 1
Foreign-native = 2
Show tips at startup = 0
Never show tips at startup = 1
The "Tip of the day" dialog can be set to display automatically when you start Teach2000. To turn this feature on, choose [Tip of the day] from Teach2000's Help menu, then choose from combo box at the bottom of this dialog.
The help text contains a manual for a quick start with Teach2000. Choose help in the menu [Help][Help].
It is possible to add more than one answer to a question. Fill in 'Answer 2 (optional)'.
It is possible to add more than two answers. Open the pop-up menu of the 'Final list' using the right mouse button and choose [Modify alternative answers].
A question may have synonyms. To enter synonyms, open the pop-up menu of the 'Final list' using the right mouse button and choose [Modify alternative questions].
When entering a list in ancient Greek a Greek font can be selected. Change the font type of the question at the top of the screen.
To enter modern Greek the font type 'Arial' can be selected, with Greek keyboard settings (Regional and language options in the control panel).
Choose 'Advanced input mode' to underline parts of the question, or to make them bold or add colour.
Multiple choice questions can be defined to change 'Simple input mode' into 'Advanced input mode'. Then 'Multiple choice' can be selected.
In the 'Advanced input mode' a yes/no question can be entered.
Use illustrations to make a question more clear. In the 'Advanced input mode' mode illustrations can be added after clicking on the button 'Picture'.
A question can become clearer when hearing it. In the 'Advanced input mode' mode the button 'Sound' can be clicked to add a sound file to the question.
It is possible to record a text with the question. In the 'Advanced input mode', select 'Sound' and follow the instructions.
Test the list by selecting the tab 'Test'.
The sound can be disabled. Click [Settings][Sound].
Add your favourite sound for a right or wrong answer. Choose [Settings][Select sound].
It is possible to select a top 10 of difficult words when you do a test. Choose as 'List' the 'Top 10 problem questions'.
The 'Space Invaders' game is started after selecting 'Space Invaders' as test type and clicking 'Play'.
Lists can be merged by selecting [File][Insert file] from the menu. Several lists can be merged at a time.
Start your test with a writing exercise. This helps memorizing and you practise the correct spelling. After a break, choose 'Flashcard quiz'. After that, you can test yourself using the other test types.
Did you know that twelve dictionaries are incorporated in the extended version of Teach2000? Choose [Edit][Translate] to look up descriptions or synonyms.
To export the list to Excel, choose from the menu [File] the option [Save as] and save the list as Microsoft Excel Workbook.
To print a crib note choose from the menu [File] the option [Print][Crib note].
The text used in this program can be modified in file ml_english.txt in the installation directory.
Would you like to use symbols/characters that are not in the pop-up menu? Using [Settings][Function keyZ] you can program special symbols or key combinations.
You can change the language of the program to Dutch. A different language can be added by yourself.
It is possible to install the program on a network. See the help text for more information.
GENTEXT = This page is created with the flashcard software
PRACTISE_EXPLANATION = Write the answer to the given question down and press 'Check' for the result.
PRACTISE_STARTED = A new test has been started. Good luck!
PRACTISE_ANSWER_GOOD = This answer is correct!!
PRACTISE_QUESTION_WAS = The question was:
PRACTISE_CORRECT_ANSWER = The correct answer:
PRACTISE_FLASH_SHOW = Think about the answer and choose 'Show answer'.
PRACTISE_FLASH_CORRECT = Just what I thought
PRACTISE_FLASH_WRONG = I had a different answer
MATCH_EXPLANATION = Use your mouse to move the answers to the right questions.
MATCH_ONE_TRIE = Congratulations!\nAll answers are moved to the right direction, right the first time!
MATCH_MORE_TRIES = Congratulations!\nAll answers are moved to the right direction in %1 tries.
MATCH_CONTINUE = Some answers are wrong.\nThese boxes are red.\n\nContinue this exercise?